Matiyimela Investments

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The holistic approach to life cover

The holistic approach to life cover

When it comes to life insurance, one of the most common questions people ask is: How much cover do I…

Is it time for a lifestyle audit?

Is it time for a lifestyle audit?

Also referred to as an “economic reality check,”, lifestyle audits are not just for the rich and famous, and not…

Are you being reasonable?

Are you being reasonable?

If money decisions were purely mathematical, personal finance would be easy. Spend less than you earn, invest in low-cost index…

Predictions, Plans, and the Power of Perspective

Predictions, Plans, and the Power of Perspective

If history has taught us anything, it’s that predicting the future—especially when it comes to markets—is an exercise in futility.…

It isn’t just about knowledge

It isn’t just about knowledge

It’s a tempting idea, isn’t it? The thought of managing your own finances, crafting your own investment strategy, and making…

The cost of trust

The cost of trust

Financial advice is about more than just investments and returns—it’s about trust. And one of the most important, yet often…

Context over cash

Context over cash

Imagine this: You’re sitting around a table with friends, and the conversation shifts to money. Someone is buying a new…

It’s not accidental; it’s intentional.

It’s not accidental; it’s intentional.

No one stumbles into wealth by accident. Even those who win the lottery often find themselves broke again within a…

Rewrite your love story with money

Rewrite your love story with money

Every relationship has a story—a narrative we tell ourselves about how things are, how they’ve been, and what they’ll always…

Raise a millionaire

Raise a millionaire

Raising financially responsible children who may one day become the next “Millionaire Next Door” is less about complex financial strategies…

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